Colored Light Therapy

Image credit: Fengshuidana

Colored Light Therapy

Marina Berteli Orrú bio photo By Marina Berteli Orrú

According to some studies, colored light therapy, not only helps uplift feelings of depression, but heals mind, body and soul. This type of medicine has far-reaching benefits, from influencing cells in our body to restoring vibrational balance within our chakra system.

Image of Color

The Sunset - Image Credit: Reddit

Light and color represent wavelengths of energy. When they enter the eye, our cone cells in retina generate colors with different wave frequencies that translate energy to our cells to repair the body. Absorbing energy from the full spectrum of colored light stimulates:

  • Body circulation system
  • Immune system
  • Endocrine system
  • Nervous system

Those stimulations can help to promote sleep, correct hormonal imbalances, combat depression and SAD (Seasonal Affected Disorder). Colored Light Therapy can also influence the health of energetic body. Each color of the spectrum has its own nutritional value and resonates with the frequency of our chakras. The seven colors are considered to be:

  • Red: dynamic, energizing, stimulating
  • Orange: active, creative, warming
  • Yellow: positive, confidence, strength
  • Green: balance, compassion, harmony
  • Blue: calm, loyalty, expressive
  • Indigo: integrity, intuitive, insightful
  • Violet: wisdom, inspiration, transformation

Light is widely recognized for its healing qualities and now more medical journals are focusing on the benefits of light therapy.


Mid Body Green