Light Control: sustainability and robotics

Image credit: King of Wallpapers

Light Control: sustainability and robotics

Marina Berteli Orrú bio photo By Marina Berteli Orrú

As written on the last post, one of the main ideas that I had related to robotic in architecture is the light control. As we know, today there are several dimmers installed inside residences, commercial and industrial buildings.

A dimmer is a device used to lower the brightness of a light. By changing the voltage waveform applied to the lamp, it is possible to lower the intensity of the light output. With sizes that range from small units used in domestic lighting to large and high power units used in theatres, dimmers represent today a good alternative for reducing the consume of energy.

The idea is to have this type of device with some modifications about its use. Instead of having a button where the person controls the level of light, the dimmer could be automatic. It means that the dimmer would be directly related to the outside light level, keeping a strong relation between what is outside and what is inside the building. At this point of the research where the main interest is the relation of the light inside and outside the building, a good way is to explore the relation between interior and exterior, in architecture. This relation could help create some characteristics to the robot, which makes it not only functional, but also artistic.