Light control and its relations

Image credit: The Apricity

Light control and its relations

Marina Berteli Orrú bio photo By Marina Berteli Orrú

With the research focused on building a system for light control that works automatically according to the exterior space, the idea of having an artistic aspect has also developed. Knowing about different relations between interior and exterior in architecture, there is an interesting point that can be observed and studied.

How could we bring something different inside walls that we only see when outside of a building? How could it also have some artistic view?

Through these questions and through the objective of the robot, an idea emerged when thinking about the sunset. The sunset is the daily disappearance of the Sun below the western horizon as a result of Earth’s rotation. It creates unique atmospheric conditions such as the often intense orange and red colors of the Sun and the surrounding sky.

Image of Sunset The Sunset - Image Credit: Rantplaces

The idea now is to keep in mind the light control for the interior, but also working together at some point with representations of the sunset and sunrise colors inside a building. The initial idea keeps the amount of light linked with the level that is on the exterior - economizing energy - but also, during some periods of the day the light would change its colors according to the sunrise and sunset colors, making a beautiful and inspirational space indoor. As some studies confirmed, some colors have good influences in the human behavior, acting as a therapy.

Image of Sunrise The Sunrise - Image Credit: Deviantart

