Starting to think about a robotic architecture

Image credit: Wired

Starting to think about a robotic architecture

Marina Berteli Orrú bio photo By Marina Berteli Orrú

Knowing about the objectives and expectations for the final project, this post is focused on primary ideas for the robot system. Through some quick and basic thoughts, the main topics that can have potential to a robot system are:

  • Solar Gain Angle: robots could be located in the solar panels at the roof and they would have their inclination changed according to the movement of the sun, in order to receive the most energy possible.
  • Light Control: robots could be located in the windows and connected to the energy panel. As the day goes and the outside light decreases, the robot automatically changes the dimmer of the light inside the house, contributing to energy economy.
  • Guide Robot: a robot could guide a visitor inside touristic buildings, directing this visitor to the places were the main interest is.
  • Architecture Presentations: some robot could be linked with helping students and professors during a college architecture presentation.

Those ideas were just basic thoughts of how could a robot help us inside the context of architecture. The main objective is to change something in a building that can respond to people action, modifying their behavior. The modification can be done through the behavior from the robot and would result in giving personality to some building.